Free coffee for students! 英語學術素養中心歡迎同學們品嘗免費咖啡

英語學術素養中心 (CAL) 推出了一項企劃,結合了學術英語專業指導和咖啡賞味體驗,為學生們帶來全新的學術英語咖啡饗宴。活動已於10/11展開,還沒體驗過的同學快來預約諮詢吧!

CAL 熱烈歡迎全校學生預約參與學術英語諮詢輔導,即可每日享用免費限量供應的咖啡。無論是準備一篇學術論文,還是參加國際學術會議,CAL 的專業輔導員將提供一對一的指導,讓諮詢的學生們同時享受學術精進和醇香咖啡的雙重體驗。

為了鼓勵學校教職員參與此企劃,CAL 於每週三下午試辦「教職員日」。學校教職員只需攜帶教職員證,即可在 CAL 享受一杯香醇咖啡帶來的愉悅和放鬆。CAL 理解教職員們在繁忙的教學和研究工作中的壓力,因此特別為他們設立這個特別福利日,讓他們在輕鬆的氛圍中品味咖啡,同時與 CAL 的專業顧問交流,提升自身學術英語能力。

CAL’s initiative seamlessly merges academic English guidance with the pleasure of coffee tasting. Students throughout the school can schedule academic English tutoring sessions and relish daily complimentary coffee. As they prepare for academic events, students receive personalized guidance while savoring high-quality coffee.

CAL’s weekly “Faculty and Staff Day” on Wednesday afternoons encourages active participation. With their IDs, faculty and staff members can unwind with a cup of coffee and engage with CAL’s experts to enhance their English skills.

The activity has been started since October 11, if you haven’t tried it before, come and join us!

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